Welcome fellow writers

I originally set up this blog to have a central point for all my favourite writing sites and to allow me to share these with others. All the links are to places I have found useful - or plan to in the near future. I will add more as and when I find them and welcome suggestions for any sites you recommend. Good luck with your writing endeavours, Jo

Friday 2 March 2007

The Radio Play's The Thing

You'll notice quite a few new links appearing under the Writing Resource section: these are some great new sites I've discovered recently during one of my Internet trawls.

First off is the Jacqui Bennett Writers' Bureau. This is a regularly updated site with loads of information for new writers, competitions and links to agents. There are lots of sites out there that claim to offer this sort of thing and, as you know, not all of them live up to it. Jacqui's site does, and she also offers literary critiques at a reasonable rate. Have a look.

Wrekin Writers was a site I came across while looking for competitions. They've just launched their short story comp for this year and there is a really helpful link to previous winners to get you in the mood - and to made you feel quite humble; the quality is really good.

I have always been a fan of Radio 4, and had a stab (unsuccessfully) at writing a radio play many moons ago. I've decided to give it another go now I'm that bit older and wiser and more experienced (!), and I've added links to pages at the BBC I found useful. Channel 4 radio (have you ever heard of them - I hadn't) are running a 'Radio Play's The Thing' competition, along similar lines to last year's The Play's The Thing and I just might think about entering...

Monday 19 February 2007

Writing A Synopsis

Check out this fantastic article on how to write a synopsis. I found it on the writing world website and it really helped when I needed to write a one page synopsis for the Writers' and Artists' Yearbook novel writing competition. There is a great search engine on the site and loads of articles on all sorts of topics, as well as lots of other useful info for aspiring writers like us.

Good luck with your synopsis...